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Located in Indianapolis, IN  317-255-0299


Located in Indianapolis, IN
Call Us Today
Located in Indianapolis, IN  |  317-255-0299

Our Convenient Upcoming Events Calendar

Check Out What Events We Have Every Month

Apostle Leon Walters will be joining us Friday, January 4th, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, January 6th at 10:00 a.m.  Come and join us as he shares his word from the Lord regarding 2019.

We have included our helpful events calendar below to provide you with enough notice for our upcoming events. Join a fun and comforting community of friends and families that take part in our services at Glory Point. 

If you have any additional questions regarding anything you see here, please contact our staff. We will be happy to assist you!

For information about the event you're interested in, click on the time in the calendar below to see the details. 
Call 317-255-0299 to Schedule Your Appointment!

Feel free to come early or stay after our service for fresh coffee and refreshments!

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